
We'll get back to you as soon as we can


Phone:  (021) 02563112 (please leave a message I work with heat so am not always able to answer my phone)


Location and Product Pickup 
Nofilterco is a online store only  - I do attend Markets. Orders are placed and payment processed, via the secure Nofilterco website.  Nofilterco does not have a shopfront/retail store.

PLEASE NOTE Local customers wishing to collect their orders are welcome to do so. The 'Collection Point' is located in Tuakau, South Auckland and Howick by prearrangement (I need a few days notice for Howick)

Help us improve our service
To help us improve our service to you, we encourage your feedback on our service, products and website.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please let us know.

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